College of Information and Communication Technology

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The College of Information and Communications Technology (CICT) started with a set of programs housed under the former Institute of Engineering and Architecture (IEA). Although two ICT courses were already offered in Balanga Campus since 1991, four new ICT academic programs were approved by the then BPSC Board of Trustees starting AY 2005-2006. These programs include: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with two areas of concentration namely Software Development and Network and Data Communication; Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Associate in Technical Graphics.

Enrollees of the ICT courses grew in number together with the number of faculty members. Geared towards being a full-fledged academic unit, the administration caused the conversion of the former Laboratory School Building into ICT Building in 2005.

Mister Rolando Lazarte, former head of the IEA was given responsibility over the new programs while the coordination of the ICT programs was initially given to the Management Information Systems (MIS) Head Ms. Lydia A. Pinili.

When BPSU was created in 2007, the new organizational structure included the College of ICT. The CICT was not yet officially declared as a separate college thus, ICT courses remained under CEA. Mister Noel N. Tolentino, served as the Coordinator of CICT, overseeing its operation.

In 2008, when all year levels of the ICT programs had been already filled up, the Board of Regents confirmed the appointment of Engr. Aida T. Solomon, first as Office-In-Charge of the CICT, then as a Dean officially making the CICT a separate unit from the CEA.

The College continues to exert and pushes itself beyond the limit to provide only the best among our students especially with the first batch of graduates of 2009. The College is constantly finding ways to promote the quality of academic standards and other services to the student to meet the University mission of providing quality and relevant education that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources responsible to the national and regional development.