President’s Message for the Opening of Academic Year 2010-2011

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Another set of challenges unfolds as the University once again opens its doors to start a new session of learning. Starting today we are once again faced with the challenge of feeding eager young minds with knowledge that will serve as weapon when our students finally cross the bridge towards being a professional.

To the students, both old and new, we express our sincerest gratitude for patronizing BPSU and for believing that the educators in this University will be able to help you discover the right path that will take you to your biggest dreams and even unearth your undiscovered potentials. It is true that we have high expectations on our students because we believe that each dream is attainable as long as one stays determined to pursue it. We believe that everyone has the capacity to excel.

Be just like the Bataan Peninsula State University that never surrenders to the challenges and never wanders away from the path it has decidedly taken. To be young and brave though inexperienced may be a great challenge; but it would be a great achievement if you would be able to prove that despite being young and inexperienced you had the courage to make your dreams come true and prove that they were not impossible as they seemed.

Welcome to Bataan Peninsula State University! God bless us all.