About the College

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College of Arts and Sciences

To fortify the foundation of students and inculcate among them the appreciation of sciences, arts and humanities so that they will become well-rounded and productive members of the society. This is the prime goal of general education - a goal that the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) has been living up to since the birth of the Main Campus in 1953. Going through dynamic changes in the organizational set-up of this institution, the trail of the College of Arts and Sciences goes way back to the times when it was still called College-Related Subjects Department (CRSD). From 1953 to 1997, CRSD provided the general education subjects of all courses offered in the Main Campus. During that time, the CRSD was composed of the following areas: English, Filipino, Computer and Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Physical Education. All areas are manned with committed and competent faculty. Prior to the conversion into a state college, CRSD was headed by Dr. Felicisima V. Olaya (now, Dean of CAS) and Dr. Mercedes G. Sanchez (now VPAA).

In 1999, one year after the conversion of the Main Campus (formerly BNSAT)into BPSC, the Institute of Arts and Sciences (1) was organized. The numeric figure 1 in the institutes name signifies that there were two existing Institutes of Arts and Sciences in BPSC, one in the Main Campus and another in Balanga Campus - the IAS (2). Each was led by two different Heads.

The IAS (1) was first headed by Mrs. Estela David Reyes from 1999-2001. When Mrs. Reyes passed away in 2001, Dr. Felicisima Vergara Olaya took over the leadership of the Institute from 2001 to present.

In 2003, the Institute of Nursing and Midwifery (INM) extended the first two years of BS Nursing program in the Main Campus. In order to effect smooth operation of the program, it was put under the jurisdiction of IAS (1). In the following year, 2004, another program was given under the supervision of IAS (1); the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BS HRM) from Orani Campus was also offered in the Main Campus.

In 2005, pursuant to BOT Resolution No. 8, and amended by BOT Resolution No. 27 series of 2006, the nomenclatures of IAS 1 %26 2 were modified. The IAS 2 in Balanga Campus was renamed to of Institute of Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISBS)  while IAS 1 retained its name minus the numeric figure 1.

The College of Arts and Sciences was born out of the conversion of BPSC into a state university on March 22, 2007. Today, the College of Arts and Sciences hosts three academic programs - the BSN, the BSHRM and the newest program offered by the college, Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) which started in June, 2009. Aside from hosting these academic programs, the CAS continues to provide general education faculty needed by other Colleges in the University.

Faithful to its goal of honing responsible individuals who can contribute to the development of the society, CAS will continue to pass on the legacy of providing quality, relevant and responsive general education instruction.